Day: December 19, 2018

AP I Receives Loans Rp5 Trillion

State port operator, PT Angkasa Pura I (AP I) obtained loans from local lender, Bank Tabungan Negara, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) and PT BRI Syariah with an overall value of Rp5 trillion. The company will be looking for...

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Coal Industry Hard to Grow in 2019

Over the past 20 years, the growth of the coal industry has been rapid and it has become one of the main sectors for State revenue. But, in 2019, production and investment in coal sector are predicted hard to grow amid the...

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Prabowo’s Bag of Old Rhetorics

Hyperbole seems to be the norm in political rhetorics. In the United States, there’s President Donald Trump with his “tremendous” claims. In Indonesia, we have Prabowo with his theatrics. Most recently Prabowo told an audience that Indonesia would go extinct if he’s not elected. One can understand why Prabowo made such a claim. His main point of attack is the economic management of the incumbent. So it’s natural for Prabowo to segue to the consequences of what he sees as grave mismanagement. But claiming that extinction is imminent is rather outrageous.

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Intolerance in Yogyakarta

Indonesia’s social media circles grew loud with chatters following the news that a cross marking a grave in a cemetery in Yogyakarta was disfigured by locals. Many responded in disbelief, wondering if it was a hoax. It isn’t. Media outlets had managed to reach out to the residents of the Village of Purbayan in Kotagede, Yogyakarta who confirmed that they had indeed collectively decided to cut the top of the cross marking the grave of one Albertus Slamet Sugihardi.  

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