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It is either Gojek or Grab that first comes to mind when most people think about online ride-hailing services. The two brands have become the top of mind for years, even though competitors like Maxim and InDrive are quite popular in the market as well. There is also a lesser-known brand called Zendo, which has long been in operation without getting much recognition from the public. However, now that Gojek and Grab are rumored to be merged, would these competitors have an opportunity to finally flourish? Or would it be even more difficult for them to survive?
It is either Gojek or Grab that first comes to mind when most people think about online ride-hailing services. The two brands have become the top of mind for years, even though competitors like Maxim and InDrive are quite popular in the market as well. There is also a lesser-known brand called Zendo, which has long been in operation without getting much recognition from the public. However, now that Gojek and Grab are rumored to be merged, would these competitors have an opportunity to finally flourish? Or would it be even more difficult for them to survive?
Japto Soerjosoemarno & Ahmad Ali
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) searched the houses of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Pancasila Youth National Leadership Council, Japto Soerjosoemarno and Ahmad Ali, on Tuesday (04/02) to find evidences in regard to the alleged gratification and money laundering in which former Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, Rita Widyasari, was implicated. Japto, considered among the untouchables, and Ahmad are well-known figures, but their relation to the case remains unclear as the investigation is still ongoing.