A total of 32 coal miners proposed additional production with total amount of 21.9 million tons (MT) of coal by the end of this year for export purpose. In August 21, government has officially raised the production quota for 2018 by 100 MT of coal to 585 MT of coal from the initial planned was 485 MT of coal. As we know, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo has canceled a plan to revoke domestic market obligation (DMO) policy for coals on July 31, 2018. DMO is a mandate of Law No.4 of 2009 on Minerals and Coal.

According to Ignatius Jonan, Minister for Energy and Minerals Resources (ESDM), at the limited meeting on August 14 in Bogor Palace, President Widodo provide a number of directives. One of them is by opening up opportunities for additional coal production of 100 million tons.