Day: September 17, 2024

Tale of digital banks

Shares of Bank Jago (ARTO), member of GOTO, ended lower by 0.35% to Rp2,810 last Friday (Sept 13). The market capitalization of Rp38.55 trillion was 4.5 times equity, lot more expensive than profitable conventional banks. Bank Jago is also way below Seabank (sister of Shopee) in terms of profitability.

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Tas’an Wartono passes away

Tas’an Wartono, son of the late Mochammad Wartono, founder of Sukun, a cigarette producer, has just passed away. Tas’an is one of the heirs of Sukun, which is one of four cigarette producers maintaining the production of klobot (tobacco wrapped by dried corn husk) cigarettes.

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Nickel Journal

Nickel advanced 2.54% to US$16,325 per ton on Monday (Sep 16) in London Metal Exchange (LME) but still way below its peak this year due to ample supply from new smelters entering commercial operation in Indonesia, which produces more than half of the world’s nickel.

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KPK Leadership Selection: Early Prediction

The selection process of the new five leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for 2024-2029 deserves more attention, especially because we’re now at the final stage. Today, Sep. 17, the 20 remaining candidates will undergo a medical and interview test. Who will make it into the top ten and who will finally be elected as the new five KPK leaders among these candidates?

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Muhaimin Fights Back

There’s an interesting counter-movement happening inside the Nahdlatul Ulama’s Central Board (PBNU). Some NU figures, led by KH Abdussalam Shohib a.k.a Gus Salam, plan to hold the Muktamar Luar Biasa (MLB) or the extraordinary chairmanship congress of PBNU to replace KH Yahya Cholil Staquf a.k.a Gus Yahya.

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