The Satgas BLBI (Satuan Tugas Penanganan Hak Tagih Negara Dana Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia), a task force under Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati’s supervision to recover funds related to the 1997-1998 financial crisis, had resumed working after their term of office was extended until the end of this year. And as we all know, through their working period until now there are still many obstacles that have arisen, including legal challenges. Earlier this month, we learned that Andri Tedjadharma (with link to Bank Centris Internasional) filed a new lawsuit regarding the process. This is the third lawsuit Andri filed within the past two years. This week, the Ministry through the Directorate General of State Assets published an announcement on the second attempt to auction the assets of Bank Centris Internasional. To subscribe please click here