Day: January 18, 2024

Revisiting Indosurya Case

It has been four years since the public became aware of the problems experienced by various Cooperative Unions, especially those who run businesses like banks and conduct fundraising, we know that the investigation into the Kospin Indosurya case is by far the most shocking and the most disappointing. Two managers who were tried on charges of committing banking crimes, including Henry Surya, were released from charges. Although the decision had been overturned by the Supreme Court, the decision did not exactly benefit the victims. In addition to the case, the POLRI later developed the investigation and examined allegations of similar legal violations involving PT Indosurya Inti Finance (PT IIF). We have not heard of the progress since then other than that PT IIF later changed its name and restarted conducting business under new name: PT Sarana Majukan Ekonomi Finance Indonesia (PT SMEFI). This week, unfortunately, the business license provided for PT SMEFI was revoked by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

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The closure of Hung-A Tire

Tire is probably one of the most competitive industries in Indonesia. Almost all big names in the world of tire have local manufacturing presence. It was for a long period a three-way competition between Goodyear, Bridgestone, and Gajah Tunggal (using Yokohama Tire technology). 

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On Ba’asyir’s Support for Anies-Muhaimin

The support from Abu Bakar Ba’asyir to Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, the presidential pair from a coalition of three political parties (Nasdem, PKB, and PKS), is in the spotlight. Ba’asyir, the mubaligh and the founder of the Al-Mukmin Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren Al-Mukmin) in Ngruki, Sukoharjo, Central Java, was convicted in a case of terrorism back in 2011. Will Ba’asyir’s support for Anies-Muhaimin backfire on the pair, who is still struggling to remove the image of its strong affiliation with the hardliners?

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Positive Growth for Pertamina Shipping

PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS), a Pertamina sub-holding operated in the integrated logistics and shipping sector, reported a positive growth in earnings for 2023, driven by expansion in the international market. This company plans to launch initial public offering (IPO next year.

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Want another Bakrie Stock?

Shares of Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) have not moved up from Gocap (Rp50, the lowest quotable price on IDX). Bakrieland (ELTY), property arm of the group, and Visi Media Asia (VIVA) are also member of Gocap Stocks. Last year, however, Bakrie launched IPO of VKTR Teknologi at Rp100 and currently traded around Rp124. 

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