The dispute over ownership of land covering an area of more than six hectares in Dago Elos, Bandung, West Java, became public on Aug. 14, 2023, after a chaotic event resulted from clashes between residents and the police became viral on social media. After more than six years of dispute in court, last year the Supreme Court declared that the land in question was legally owned by the heirs of the Muller family. However, the residents who occupied the land did not accept the decision and on the day before the riot, representatives of the residents accompanied by the Bandung Legal Aid Institute (LBH) tried to submit a police report regarding alleged fraud against members of the Muller family, unfortunately the plan did not go according to plan. After the public became aware of this dispute, the report in question could finally be made in Aug. 15, 2023, but what pique our interests is not only the treatment given by the law enforcement authorities but also the documents that were used as the basis for legal considerations at the Supreme Court, documents that, if examined according to historical records, should not have existed. To subscribe please click here