Deputy Minister of State-owned Enterprises (SoEs) or BUMN, Rosan Roeslani, said that Indonesia is currently offering 93 Asean and Indo-Pacific cooperation projects worth US$38.2 billion, one of which is Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) on the sidelines of the 2023 Asean Summit.

Of the 93 projects offered at the Asean Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF), Rosan said that only YIA offered projects from the airport sector. AIPF is not only a discussion forum, but also an event for showcasing projects that have been implemented and those that have the potential to be developed in the future. The hope is that the 2023 AIPF Forum can display and enhance Asean and Indo-Pacific collaboration.

Indonesia offers 30 projects, of which 39 projects coming from SoEs. Projects from Indonesia include an aluminum smelter project with a value of US$1.8 billion, PT Pelindo Indonesia project–the Bali Maritime Tourism Hub (BMTH) worth US$4.3 billion, a green project by PT PLN and PT Pupuk Indonesia with a value of US$5 billion. PT Pupuk Indonesia offered to build an ammonia factory with a value of US$4.8 billion, as well as other projects such as the development of special economic lot areas.