Former Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) a.k.a Ahok, who is now a PDIP politician, has been made the new president commissioner of state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina (Persero). That said, a debate on whether Ahok should resign from PDIP still rages. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Erick Thohir informed the press of the appointment of Ahok as president commissioner of PT Pertamina. Erick explained that Pertamina has been tasked with reducing oil and gas import, and that’s why he needed a figure known for making breakthroughs like Ahok. Erick, however, said that Ahok should resign from PDIP. The Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto begs to differ. 

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