
Djarum controls 92;18% Farindo Investment

Farallon Capital and Alaerka Investment (controlled by Djarum Group) changed ownership structure at Farindo Investment (Mauritius) Ltd which controls 51.18% PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk, an official at Bank Indonesia said...

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Indonesia’s Yuri Orlov

I bet most of you have seen Lord of War with Yuri Orlov (Nicholas Cage) as the arms dealer with his brother Vitaly (Jared Leto) as partner. So, brothers-in-arms. “Yuri doesn’t believe in concepts like “right or wrong.” He...

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Air Canada also vying for Garuda

There are at least four companies that will compete to be the strategic partner of ailing flag carrier PT Garuda Indonesia Airways. They are Texas Pacific Group (TPG)/Newbridge, Lufthansa, Air Canada and one name I don’t...

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PLUS Expressway’s major inroads

Malaysia’s PLUS Expressway Berhad has made major inroads into Indonesian toll road projects with the acquisition of 55% share in PT Lintas Marga Sedaya, the holder of the biggest concession in the Trans Java Expressway...

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Northstar acquired 76% BTPN?

Patrick Walujo of PT Northstar Pacific Partners (Indonesian division of Texas Pacific Group) signed a Letter of Intent and Exclusivity in the last week of December 2006 to purchase a 76% stake of PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan...

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Platinum & Inizio join the biofuel frenzy

Platinum Energy (US) and Inizio (Malaysia) have joined the biofuel frenzy with their respective plans to build factories in South Sumatra with combined investment of USD80 million, Kompas reported. Good thing, they’ll...

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Mari Pangestu’s mother passed away

Evi Elka Pangestu, mother of Mari Elka Pangestu (minister of trade), passed away on Thursday at 85. Evi, wife of the late economist Yusuf Panglaykim, survived three children (Mari, Tikki, and Pingki) and five grandchildren...

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Mandiri getting tougher on Kiani Kertas

PT Bank Mandiri Tbk is getting tougher on PT Kiani Kertas (PT KK) regarding the payment of USD220 million bad loan. Mandiri sent warning letter to the pulp producer, “so we don’t have to take tougher action,”...

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