
Energi Mega refinancing & possible acquisition

PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk is exercising fund raising activity to refinance Merrill Lynch loans and a possible acquisition of new oil and gas fields, people close to the company said. “Energi is working on the refinancing...

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Cabinet reshuffled, next battles

President SBY had announced the cabinet reshuffle on Monday. Pretty much as predicted, except the home affairs and defense ministry. The decision has long-term impact, especially the upcoming 2009 election which is not too far...

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Asian Agri tax evasion evidence found

Tax Office claimed it had found strong evidence of tax evasion committed by Asian Agri, a subsidiary of RGM International controlled by tycoon Sukanto Tanoto, Koran Tempo reported today. The result of months of investigation...

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Sampoerna Telecom to issue high yield bond

This is a busy year for Indonesian telecommunication industry to raise funds from investors. Almost all players have launched plans to raise funds including new player like PT Sampoerna Telecom Indonesia, a company controlled by...

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Close-Up: Jusman Syafei Djamal

People never mentioned Jusman Syafei Djamal as a potential candidate to replace Hatta Radjasa as transportation minister until Saturday when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono summoned the former aircraft manufacturer CEO. Who is he? Who whispered SBY? Something to do with his current job?

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Close-Up: Mohammad Nuh

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would likely appoint former ITS rector Mohammad Nuh as minister for information and communication replacing Sofyan Djalil (will replace Sugiharto as minister for state-owned enterprises). Who is Mr Nuh? What political backup he has?

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New cabinet lineup: Who’s in & out

In the last 48 hours, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono have summoned ministers and candidates to fill cabinet posts in what some analysts called as the most interesting reshuffle in years. In the next 24 hours, the president is expected to announce the new lineup. Who’s in and out?

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Cabinet Reshuffle Updates: Clearer picture

Several people summoned by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono this morning have sent clearer signs of the much awaited cabinet reshuffle. People close Sofyan Djalil claimed that the minister for communication and information would almost certain move to state-owned enterprises ministry. But it’s not clear yet who will take his job. The announcement itself is expected on Monday, May 7.

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Tjia Family & The Thousand Tower Project

Early last month President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono launched ambitious housing project, build 1,000 low-class apartment towers in 10 cities that would cost around US$6 billion. Pintu Air Mas (PAM) Group controlled by Tjia Family...

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SBY & Tommy’s new projects

What is the relationship between Tommy Soeharto and President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono? No family relationship, for sure. How about business relations? No direct relationship! Except that one legislator from Partai Demokrat...

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