
Anton Suleiman & energy ventures

PT Penta Adi Samudera is one of four groups which won one of coal-fired power plant projects under the ambitious 10,000 MW project in a partnership with China’s Sinomach. The consortium has also submitted bid for another...

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People behind Dutapalma/Darmex & beyond

Searching through the company’s website at, we will not find names of people behind the group. But the group’s 60,000 hectares of palm plantation deserved attention, especially future plans. Who are...

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People behind Permata Hijau Sawit

Permata Hijau Group is one of the largest CPO producers and traders in Indonesia with combined sales of more than 1 million tones per year. The group is building a biodiesel plant in Riau, Sumatra with 200,000 t/y capacity. Who...

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Bahana-Danareksa underwrite Jasa Marga IPO

MSOE Sofyan Djalil has set off the privatization train with his decision to appoint two competing state-owned investment banks, Bahana and Danareksa, as co-underwriters for initial public offering (IPO) of turnpike operator PT...

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Oleochemical Update: Musim Mas, Domba Mas, & SOCI

Domba Mas & Musim Mas have started trial production of fatty alcohol plants in North Sumatra with almost the same capacity. Meanwhile PT Sinar Oleochemical Indonesia (SOCI), a JV between Sinar Mas and Japan’s NOF...

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Will the biofuel initiative die out?

As predicted, government has yet to prepare supporting mechanism for the development of biofuel, especially to boost domestic sales. In the meantime, increasing CPO price in the last few months will cut significantly the margin...

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Bentoel might issue bond

PT Bentoel International Investama Tbk is looking for financing possibilities, including bond issuance, to finance its expansion projects. “We’re exercising several options to get low-cost source of funds. Bond is...

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Day III: Three Important Decisions

Leaders should make decisions and be accountable for them. That’s what the country missed and desperately needed. The newly appointed state-owned enterprises minister Sofyan Djalil seems to realize that. In his second day...

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Behind Straits Resources & its Indonesian operation

Straits Asia Resources Ltd has appointed Rizal Ramli (former coordinating minister for the economy under Abdurrahman Wahid administration) as its CEO for Indonesia operation called PT Indo Straits. The group is already one of...

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Salim buyout Sariaatmadja’s Lonsum?

Market has talked about acquisition of plantation company PT PP London Sumatera Tbk by various groups since last year but none of them materialized. Three months ago, the company formally denied that it’s being targeted by...

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