
Surya Semesta Internusa: Placement?

Surya Semesta Internusa (SSI) was below Rp500 in September 2011. On Tuesday, the stock has reached Rp930. This is also one of the most active stocks in property sector with average trading volume of 41 million shares per day....

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Arrow Resources: Hans Karundeng & Partners

About two years ago, national media reported that Arrow Resources, whose major shareholder is Indonesian businessman Hans Karundeng, planned to kick off a US$2.5 billion project, consisted of 10 ethanol plants, corn farming, and...

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China Slowdown: How Real?

World Steel Organization, which collects data from steel makers in 59 countries, has just reported a 1.9% growth of crude steel output for February 2012 against February 2011. China, the world’s largest in the industry,...

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Anas Urbaningrum’s R(E)volution

‘Not too long ago, now she don’t love me anymore. Not too long ago, now I got tears in my eyes. Not too long ago, now she don’t want me anymore…’ Demokrat Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum may have...

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Karli Boenjamin: Business & Politics

He is not as famous as Peter Sondakh, Eka Tjipta Widjaja, Sukanto Tanoto, or TP Rahmat. In fact, some bankers won’t easily notice his name. But for people in the plantation sector, Karli Boenjamin is quite a famous name....

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Iwan Valiant & Joesoef Family

Hong Leong Asia Ltd has divested (or maybe we can say it returned back) majority shareholding of PT Karimun Granite to Iwan Valiant Joesoef and Hylton Investments Ltd. Why Iwan Joesoef took back the company? Who’s Iwan Joesoef...

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The Race to Control Arun Gas

Arun LNG in Lhokseumawe, Aceh province is Indonesia’s first LNG facility. Talking about Arun LNG’s future is not only about the LNG plants, but the gas fields supporting the facility. These assets are now target of...

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Tjokrosaputro & Tin Play

Hanson International (MYRX) made a lot of statements in recent years about its new business. The most famous is of course its plan to boost coal business, especially to support its long-term contract with state-owned PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Recently, the company announced another plan, acquiring tin concessions.

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The marriage of titans: Soeryadjaja & Eka Tjipta

The Bride: Ms Fanny Maeloa is the daughter of Sukmawati Widjaja (daughter of Eka Tjipta) who married to the late Rudy Maeloa (Eka Tjipta’s nephew). Rudy died from cancer in 1998. Sukmawati is the only daughter from Eka Tjipta’s principal wife. Sukmawati is married to Mr Kenneth Lian, president director of listed property company PT Suryamas Dutamakmur Tbk.

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Sitorus & Ganda Group

Martua Sitorus is known for his Wilmar International Ltd, a company with market cap of S$27 billion, listed in Singapore but most of operations in Indonesia. How about his brother Ganda Sitorus?

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