
Behind The Closing Down of BPMigas

The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Body (BPMigas) is now a history. The Constitutional Court declared the institution unconstitutional, but considers all contracts signed by BPMigas with other parties valid. It is like declaring someone criminal, but his actions are deemed valid. That’s why some believe this is a political decision.

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Interesting Regional Elections to Watch (2)

Other than governor election in the most populous provinces in Java, which might define 2014 elections, we will see interesting races in resource-rich provinces like Papua (January 2013), North Sumatra (March 2013), South Sumatra (June), and Riau (September). Business-political deals might affect dynamics in the years to come.

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Interesting Regional Elections to Watch

Next year will be a busy year for regional elections. We will start with election of South Sulawesi governor in January, West Java in February, North Sumatra in March, Central Java in May, South Sumatra in June, and East Java in August. These are the most populous provinces in the country.

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Jokowi & Ahmadinejad

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was appointed mayor of Tehran, capital city of Iran in 2003. He was extremely popular. Two years later, he was sworn in as the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, meanwhile, won 90% votes for a second term as Mayor of Solo two years ago. Jokowi, based on quick counts, wins Jakarta gubernatorial race.

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Jakarta Election: A Litmus Test for 2014

Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo wins the second round of Jakarta gubernatorial election held Thursday (Sept 20) by a substantial margin of around 7-8% over incumbent governor Fauzi Bowo. Jokowi entered the race with support from two ‘opposition parties’ PDI-P and Gerindra, while Fauzi gets overwhelming support from President SBY’s Demokrat Party, Aburizal’s Golkar Party, and five other parties.

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Media Ownership Rules

When it comes to media industry rules, Indonesia is clearly lot more liberal than any country in the world, even compared to the United States. Media ownership is not an issue here. Individuals like Aburizal Bakrie, Harry Tanoesoedibjo, Chairul Tanjung, Sariaatmadja, Surya Paloh, or James Riady control public airwave not necessarily for public good.

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Jakarta Election: From Ugly to Uglier

National politics heating up ahead of the second round election of Jakarta governor scheduled next month. Incumbent governor Fauzi Bowo, supported by a coalition of political parties led by President SBY’s Demokrat Party, has been trying almost everything to win the race after shamefully defeated in the first round by Solo mayor Joko Widodo.

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I Swear to God that I Tell Lies

“I swear by Almighty God that I will tell lies, the whole lies, and nothing but lies, so Help Me Gayus!” This is the summary of readers’ comments on President SBY’s statement in rebuffing ‘testimony’ from former chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the bailout of Bank Century (now Mutiara). Most readers doubt the truth of SBY’s statements.

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Land Conflicts: A Time Bomb

Competition over resources has heightened conflicts over land in the country. Churchill Mining vs Nusantara Energy Group, Adaro vs Bukit Asam, Aneka Tambang vs local administrations in Sulawesi and Maluku, are only few of them. We have also seen growing disputes between sectors: plantation vs mining, mining vs oil & gas exploration etc.

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