Back in 2014, the public was shocked by the news that dozens of recently-bought TransJakarta bus fleets could not be used. The new fleet arrived rusted, and it came with missing components. The then Governor of Jakarta Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama was livid upon learning the news. Allegation of conspiracy in the procurement of the bus fleet emerged and was later investigated for corruption. The case brought down several people, including the then Head of the Transportation Department of the Jakarta Udar Pristono. The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) also examined the case for conspiracy. As many as 18 companies were found guilty. Udar and the companies decided to fight up to the cassation stage, but in early 2019, the cassation filed by Udar was rejected. The KPPU also convicted the companies in April 2019. We thought the problem was over, but it did not. Some companies are still disputing with each other, and at the end of September 2019, the dispute was registered to court.
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