The devastating 2015 forest fires started a new journey in the Jokowi administration’s battle against the perpetrators who are not only individuals but also companies. However, we know that the Government’s struggle has lasted since even before 2015. Among the many perpetrators who were brought to court, there was PT Jatim Jaya Perkasa (PT JJP) which was deemed responsible for the fire on its concession in 2013. The company and manager of the estate were found guilty several years ago in two different courts, but until now the company refuses to comply with the court’s decision. Instead, the company tried to sue Bambang Hero Saharjo, a professor at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) who is an expert in Indonesian fire forensics. Bambang was the one who provided evidence which eventually prosecuted PT JJP. This is the second time the company has tried to sue Bambang Hero.To subscribe please click here