The problem related to PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) is getting more attention as the prosecutors’ office named the latest suspect in the case of alleged corruption related to its mining products. The Southeast Sulawesi High Prosecutors’ Office (Kejati) initially named three suspects, one of whom is a Manager at a local site of ANTM. Last month, the fourth suspect was named only with initials, then we learned that he was Ofan Sofwan, former director of PT Omni Inovasi Indonesia Tbk (TELE). This week, the fifth suspect was announced. He is Windu Aji Sutanto of PT Kara Nusantara Investama and majority shareholder of PT Lawu Agung Mining (PT LAM) who was under scrutiny for his alleged involvement in the BAKTI scandal and also because he had volunteered for President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo campaign during the 2019 presidential election.To subscribe please click here