Towards the end of last year, the Constitutional Court made a historic decision. With four dissenting opinions, the Assembly of Justices ruled that the process of establishing Law No. 11/2020 concerning Job Creation is formally flawed. This is the first time in Indonesia’s judicial history that the Assembly has granted a judicial review application related to the formal aspects of a law. The Government has two years to fix all the problems, and as expected, the first thing that was corrected was the Law on the Establishment of Legislation. What we did not anticipate was the Government’s decision to issue a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu). The possibility of the Perppu being ratified to overcome legal vacuum had previously been dismissed by the Government, then the situation had calmed down a bit. But here we are, welcoming the new year with the said Perppu. The Government is now arguing that a Perppu is needed to face 2023. Interesting.To subscribe please click here