Earlier this year, the Satgas BLBI (Satuan Tugas Penanganan Hak Tagih Negara Dana Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia), a task force under Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati’s supervision to recover funds related to the 1997-1998 financial crisis, confiscated some of the assets on behalf of Irjanto Ongko, son of Kaharudin Ongko of Ongko Multicorpora. Irjanto filed a lawsuit in June 2022, challenging the Satgas’ decision on the confiscation of his assets. Irjanto is not the first to sue the process of confiscation related to the scandal so the decision did not realy pick interest of the public, until recently when the court actually decided in favor of Irjanto and declared that the Satgas’ decision was unlawful. What a surprise.

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