In November 2021, Singapore-based Investment Opportunities V Pte Limited filed a lawsuit against two parties, including PT Supermal Karawaci. The former demanded the two parties restructure their debts in a period of Suspension of Debts Payment (PKPU). On Jan. 13, 2022, the Panel of Judges decided that the lawsuit must be rejected. That said, the dispute is not over for Supermal Karawaci. In a statement published by national media outlets soon after the decision was read, the mall management said they were considering legal action stating that Investment Opportunities had acted in bad faith. Several months later, three lawsuits were filed to the South Jakarta District Court against four parties, including Investment Opportunities, seeking compensation amounted to over Rp18 trillion in the same dispute. This week, we learned that Investment Opportunities had filed a new PKPU lawsuit against two parties, including Supermal Karawaci.

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