It has been almost a year since we’re exposed to the dispute in PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Tbk (AISA). Since then, the disputed parties had conducted media war, exchanged lawsuits, and even filed police reports against each other. The Company’s subsidiaries suffered from the dispute as the creditors of the Company lost faith in the management. We thought the dispute would end when a new management took over the Company, but that did not happen. On March 26, 2019, the Company published a disclosure of information on the Stock Exchange and uploaded a document of fact-based investigative report which is the result of examination by PT Ernst & Young Indonesia (EY). The document is suppose to be a confidential and limited document, which is why when the document was uploaded it led to an uproar. On April 2, 2019, Joko Mogoginta decided to file yet another police report against the parties he deemed responsible for uploading the document.  

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