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New cement project in Central Java?
Central Java governor Ahmad Luthfi, who is now cadre of President Prabowo’s Gerindra Party, has just welcomed leaders of PT Anugerah Andalan Asia, which plans to build new cement mill in Wonogiri Regency with estimated investment of Rp6 trillion. What happened to the moratorium policy from Central Government?
New cement project in Central Java?
Central Java governor Ahmad Luthfi, who is now cadre of President Prabowo’s Gerindra Party, has just welcomed leaders of PT Anugerah Andalan Asia, which plans to build new cement mill in Wonogiri Regency with estimated investment of Rp6 trillion. What happened to the moratorium policy from Central Government?
People behind crypto asset platform Reku
The Financial Services Authority (OJK), which has taken over supervision of crypto market from Bappebti (an institution handling commodities trading under ministry of trade affairs), saw exponential growth of accounts and transactions on crypto assets. It is a popular investment portfolio among young Indonesians.