The Joker agreed to return US$60 million disputed funds from the high-profile Bank Bali scandal about a decade ago, media reported in the last few days. The Joker, identified in a controversial phone conversation between then junior attorney general for special crime Kemas Yahya Rahman and businesswoman Artalyta Suryani who has been accused of bribing state attorney Urip Tri Gunawan for US$660,000 (upon the order of Itjih Nursalim, wife of tycoon Sjamsul Nursalim), is Mr Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. (Read our previous report on The Joker). Marwan Effendy, Rahman’s successor, disclosed the commitment to return the US$60 million fund to the State on Friday just days after AGO announced its plan to file judicial review on the case where Mr Tjandra was released from charges few years ago.

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