Six months ago, a police officer was murdered at the official residence of a General whom he was supposed to protect back in July 2022. Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, also known as Brigadir J, is the aide to then Head of the Professional and Security Division at the National Police (Kadiv Propam), Ferdy Sambo. Later, POLRI announced that Brigadir J died of premeditated murder. Ferdy Sambo, his wife, his driver and two of his aides were named suspects. By order from the President, the investigation and inquisition were completed in just three months. The court proceedings, which were broadcast live across the country, also only lasted three months with too much drama and tears. We had doubts about the outcome of the trial from the start. This week, five key defendants have been convicted. The public cheered when Ferdy Sambo was sentenced to death, while Bharada Richard Eliezer (Bharada E), despite pulling the trigger and killing his own friend, somehow managed to become a media darling and was only sentenced to one year and six months in prison. We have lots of questions.

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