Over five years ago, towards the end of 2018, a Singapore-based consultancy firm, Mitora Pte Ltd, filed a lawsuit against Yayasan Harapan Kita and the children of the late President Soeharto. At the heart of the dispute was the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The parties managed to resolve the case with agreement not long after and the lawsuit was dropped. However, in 2021, Mitora filed a similar lawsuit, this time the lawsuit focuses on the Yayasan Purna Bhakti Pertiwi and is still targeting Soeharto’s children. The lawsuit was again withdrawn. We have been wondering what happened to the dispute because we did not hear any developments between the parties until this week. Mitora through its legal counsel announced that they plan to file three lawsuits, the first has been registered to the Central Jakarta District Court on the last day of January 2024. To subscribe please click here