Less than two weeks ago, the Chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Filri Bahuri, was named a suspect in the alleged extortion case committed against Syahrul Yasin Limpo (NasDem). Syahrul, who was the Minister of Agriculture at the time of the incident, is a suspect in the case of alleged corruption being investigated by the KPK, while the alleged extortion that ensnared Firli is being investigated by the Indonesian National Police (POLRI). This situation reminds the public of the “Cicak v Buaya” duel episode that occurred almost 15 years ago. Even though it wasn’t as tense as it was at the time, we are now witnessing how the KPK is putting indirect pressure back on the POLRI by naming one Muhammad Suryo as a suspect in a different case of alleged corruption involving the Ministry of Transportation. What is Suryo’s relationship in this episode?

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