This month, the Government of Indonesia is set to offer operation contracts for several oil and gas blocks through several auction methods. Those to be auctioned online are North Jabung (offshore), Riau & Jambi, Southwest Bengara (offshore), East Kalimantan, West Berau (offshore), West Papua blocks. The winning bidders will be announced in November this year. Blocks to go through regular auctions are Rupat Labuhan (offshore), Riau & North Sumatera, West Asri (Offshore Lampung), Oti (East Kalimantan Offshore), North Adang, (Offshore Sulawesi), and Barat Kasuri II (Onshore Papua). The non-conventional blocks up for auction are Blora Deep, Batu Ampar, and Sentral Bengkanai. Indonesia has 317 PSC contracts, but only 80 blocks are on exploitation stage, of which 62 blocks are in production stage, while the rest are still in development. In total, there are 182 exploration blocks.To subscribe please click here