Tag: Agus Arifin Nu’mang

Regional Election Update: South Sulawesi & North Sumatera

The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has released the result of its most recent survey on the gubernatorial elections in South Sulawesi and North Sumatera. In South Sulawesi, CSIS found the Golkar Party candidate Nurdin Halid and his running mate Aziz Qahhar Mudzakkar at the top of the poll with 30.6% electability. In second position is Nurdin Abdullah and his running mate Andi Sulaiman with 21.2% electability. Ichsan Yasin Limpo and his running mate, meanwhile, are in the third position with 20.7%. The incumbent candidate Agus Arifin Nu’mang and his running mate Tabribali Lamo are at the bottom fourth with only 9.9% electability.

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