China Development Bank (CDB) will disburse loan worth of US$400 million to PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) this month, operator of Jakarta – Bandung High Speed Train (HST). KCIC targets to disburse around US$1 billion until the end of this year, from the total loans US$6.071 billion. So far 75% of CDB’ loans (US$4.55 billion) has been disbursed. This loans will use to complete the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project which is targeted to be completed in 2021 after years of delay.

Until September 2019, the company has completed 13 tunnels on the 142-kilometers railroad track. KCIC managed to penetrate the tunnel at Walini areas in Bandung, Wes Java for 608 meters. This tunnel has a width of 12.6 meters in diameter and an outside 14.3 meters.